(function () {\n "use strict";\n version.extensions['soundMacros'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 1,\n revision: 2\n };\n var p = macros['playsound'] = {\n soundtracks: {},\n handler: function (a, b, c, d) {\n var loop = function (m) {\n if (m.loop == undefined) {\n m.loopfn = function () {\n this.play();\n };\n m.addEventListener('ended', m.loopfn, 0);\n } else m.loop = true;\n m.play();\n };\n var s = eval(d.fullArgs());\n if (s) {\n s = s.toString();\n var m = this.soundtracks[s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("."))];\n if (m) {\n if (b == "playsound") {\n m.play();\n } else if (b == "loopsound") {\n loop(m);\n } else if (b == "pausesound") {\n m.pause();\n } else if (b == "unloopsound") {\n if (m.loop != undefined) {\n m.loop = false;\n } else if (m.loopfn) {\n m.removeEventListener('ended', m.loopfn);\n delete m.loopfn;\n }\n } else if (b == "stopsound") {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n } else if (b == "fadeoutsound" || b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.interval) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.currentTime>0) return;\n m.volume = 0;\n loop(m);\n } else {\n if (!m.currentTime) return;\n m.play();\n }\n var v = m.volume;\n m.interval = setInterval(function () {\n v = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, v + 0.005 * (b == "fadeinsound" ? 1 : -1)));\n m.volume = Math.easeInOut(v);\n if (v == 0 || v == 1) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (v == 0) {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n m.volume = 1;\n }\n }, 10);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n macros['fadeinsound'] = p;\n macros['fadeoutsound'] = p;\n macros['unloopsound'] = p;\n macros['loopsound'] = p;\n macros['pausesound'] = p;\n macros['stopsound'] = p;\n macros['stopallsound'] = {\n handler: function () {\n var s = macros.playsound.soundtracks;\n for (var j in s) {\n if (s.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n s[j].pause();\n if (s[j].currentTime) {\n s[j].currentTime = 0;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n var div = document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild;\n var fe = ["ogg", "mp3", "wav", "webm"];\n while (div) {\n var b = String.fromCharCode(92);\n var q = '"';\n var re = "['" + q + "]([^" + q + "']*?)" + b + ".(ogg|mp3|wav|webm)['" + q + "]";\n k(new RegExp(re, "gi"));\n div = div.nextSibling;\n }\n\n function k(c, e) {\n do {\n var d = c.exec(div.innerHTML);\n if (d) {\n var a = new Audio();\n if (a.canPlayType) {\n for (var i = -1; i < fe.length; i += 1) {\n if (i >= 0) d[2] = fe[i];\n if (a.canPlayType("audio/" + d[2])) break;\n }\n if (i < fe.length) {\n a.setAttribute("src", d[1] + "." + d[2]);\n a.interval = null;\n macros.playsound.soundtracks[d[1]] = a;\n } else console.log("Browser can't play '" + d[1] + "'");\n }\n }\n } while (d);\n }\n}());
<div class ="Titlll">Poem</div>\n\nThere once was a skeleton from Nantucket...\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary2.html" target="_blank">It's Dark In Here</a>\nA small spooky poem. [[poem]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary9.html" target="_blank">Poor Ol' Kell</a>\nA poem about an unfortunate man [[poem]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary20.html" target="_blank">On Our Crimson Shores</a>\nAn attempt at a Lovecraft inspired poem. [[poem]]
<div class ="Titlll">Story</div>\n\nMore narrative than game.\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary1.html" target="_blank">Red Eye</a>\nA traditional ghost story I learned at summer camp. [[story]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary11.html" target="_blank">An October Trip</a>\nA ghost story that actually happened to me [[story]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary12.html" target="_blank">The Murdock Family Incident</a>\nFound artifacts in an investigation of an incident [[story]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary21.html" target="_blank">A Bump In the Night</a>\nYou are awoken by a noise late at night [[story]] [[game]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary22.html" target="_blank">A Diary</a>\nA branching story of a found diary during some kind of outbreak [[story]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary24.html" target="_blank">Three Spooky Bowls</a>\nStick your hand in the "spooky" bowls for the party [[story]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary25.html" target="_blank">Ghost Hunterz XTreme</a>\nJoin some bros, hunting some ghosts. Mild NSFW for language. [[story]] [[comedy]]
<<display menu>>\nHere they all are, in chronological order.\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary1.html" target="_blank">Red Eye</a>\nA traditional ghost story I learned at summer camp. [[story]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary2.html" target="_blank">It's Dark In Here</a>\nA small spooky poem. [[poem]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary3.html" target="_blank">Don't Touch</a>\nDon't touch the demon! [[bad]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary4.html" target="_blank">Spooky House</a>\nAn interactive fiction exploring a spooky house. [[game]] [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary6.html" target="_blank">Cabin in the Forest Sim</a>\nA simulation of a horror movie where kids go into the forest and a monster shows up. [[game]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary7.html" target="_blank">You Will Be Caught</a>\nRun. [[game]] [[experimental]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary8.html" target="_blank">Spooky Tarot</a>\nHave your fortune told by the tarot cards. Mildly NSFW for tarot card nudity (kinda) [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary9.html" target="_blank">Poor Ol' Kell</a>\nA poem about an unfortunate man [[poem]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary10.html" target="_blank">A Drunk Story</a>\nTitle says it all [[bad]] [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary11.html" target="_blank">An October Trip</a>\nA ghost story that actually happened to me [[story]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary12.html" target="_blank">The Murdock Family Incident</a>\nFound artifacts in an investigation of an incident [[story]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary13.html" target="_blank">Don't Taunt the Skull</a>\nIt was late and I was tired. [[bad]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary14.html" target="_blank">Spooky Casino</a>\nDeal hands of blackjack for a table of monsters. Features a fully functional deck of cards I programmed and then didn't really use all that much.\n[[game]] [[comedy]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary15.html" target="_blank">Halloween Quiz</a>\nFind out what kind of monster you are. [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary16.html" target="_blank">A Ghost Story</a>\nMy attempt at a creepypasta. [[comedy]] [[experimental]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary17.html" target="_blank">The Legend of Bloody Larry</a>\nCan you say Bloody Larry's name three times? [[comedy]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary18.html" target="_blank">Untitled</a>\nI was drunk and tired [[bad]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary19.html" target="_blank">Mad Scientist</a>\nA take on at a Little Alchemy/Pixel God, combine the elements type game [[game]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary20.html" target="_blank">On Our Crimson Shores</a>\nAn attempt at a Lovecraft inspired poem. [[poem]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary21.html" target="_blank">A Bump In the Night</a>\nYou are awoken by a noise late at night [[story]] [[game]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary22.html" target="_blank">A Diary</a>\nA branching story of a found diary during some kind of outbreak [[story]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary23.html" target="_blank">Zombie Conquere Click</a>\nA Cookie Clicker-like for zombies taking over the world. End game is 10k zombies and 10 Super Zombies. [[game]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary24.html" target="_blank">Three Spooky Bowls</a>\nStick your hand in the "spooky" bowls for the party [[story]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary25.html" target="_blank">Ghost Hunterz XTreme</a>\nJoin some bros, hunting some ghosts. Mild NSFW for language. [[story]] [[comedy]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary26.html" target="_blank">Mind Reading Warlock</a>\nCome have your mind read by the warlock. [[story]] [[comedy]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary27.html" target="_blank">Zombie Are Coming Through The Door</a>\nZombies are coming through the door, in real time. How long can you keep them out? Zombification is permanent and inevitable. [[experimental]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary28.html" target="_blank">Graveyard</a>\nCan you find the treasure of the graveyard? Sove the puzzle to find out. No images, all CSS. [[game]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary29.html" target="_blank">Spooky Goofy</a>\nA spooky comedian. [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary30.html" target="_blank">A Classic Puzzel</a>\nNo one has ever defeated the classic "scarecrow, goatman, werewolf on a riverbank" puzzle [[game]] [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary31.html" target="_blank">The Playdough Ghost</a>\nThe scariest possible story. A younge boy constructs a playdough ghost.[[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary32.html" target="_blank">Checking the Box</a>\nI wanted to give out candy and not write a twine game.[[bad]]
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<div class ="Titlll">Spooky</div>\n\nThese are intentionally scary, I hope.\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary1.html" target="_blank">Red Eye</a>\nA traditional ghost story I learned at summer camp. [[story]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary7.html" target="_blank">You Will Be Caught</a>\nRun. [[game]] [[experimental]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary11.html" target="_blank">An October Trip</a>\nA ghost story that actually happened to me [[story]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary12.html" target="_blank">The Murdock Family Incident</a>\nFound artifacts in an investigation of an incident [[story]] [[spooky]]
<div class ="Titlll">Bad</div>\n\nSome ideas just don't pan out\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary3.html" target="_blank">Don't Touch</a>\nDon't touch the demon! [[bad]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary10.html" target="_blank">A Drunk Story</a>\nTitle says it all [[bad]] [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary13.html" target="_blank">Don't Taunt the Skull</a>\nIt was late and I was tired. [[bad]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary18.html" target="_blank">Untitled</a>\nI was drunk and tired [[bad]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary28.html" target="_blank">Spooky Goofy</a>\nA spooky comedian. [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary32.html" target="_blank">Checking the Box</a>\nI wanted to give out candy and not write a twine game.[[bad]]
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I'd like to especially thank <a href="http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/blog/584" target="_blank">L of Glorious Trainwrecks</a> whose macros I made much use of.\n\nWant to look at the twee code for these stories? That's <a href="https://github.com/lockemurph/31HalloweenTwineGames" target="_blank">here on GitHub</a> \n\nFeedback? dorknightshow@gmail.com or <a href="http://facebook.com/dorknightshow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="https://twitter.com/BadControllerOp" target="_blank">Twitter</a>\n\n\n<<display menu>>
<div class ="Titlll">Games</div>\n\nI don't want to get in a big debate, but these have more traditional interactive elements.\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary4.html" target="_blank">Spooky House</a>\nAn interactive fiction exploring a spooky house. [[game]] [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary6.html" target="_blank">Cabin in the Forest Sim</a>\nA simulation of a horror movie where kids go into the forest and a monster shows up. [[game]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary7.html" target="_blank">You Will Be Caught</a>\nRun. [[game]] [[experimental]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary14.html" target="_blank">Spooky Casino</a>\nDeal hands of blackjack for a table of monsters. Features a fully functional deck of cards I programmed and then didn't really use all that much.\n[[game]] [[comedy]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary19.html" target="_blank">Mad Scientist</a>\nA take on at a Little Alchemy/Pixel God, combine the elements type game [[game]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary21.html" target="_blank">A Bump In the Night</a>\nYou are awoken by a noise late at night [[story]] [[game]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary22.html" target="_blank">A Diary</a>\nA branching story of a found diary during some kind of outbreak [[story]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary23.html" target="_blank">Zombie Conquere Click</a>\nA Cookie Clicker-like for zombies taking over the world. End game is 10k zombies and 10 Super Zombies. [[game]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary28.html" target="_blank">Graveyard</a>\nCan you find the treasure of the graveyard? Sove the puzzle to find out. No images, all CSS. [[game]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary30.html" target="_blank">A Classic Puzzel</a>\nNo one has ever defeated the classic "scarecrow, goatman, werewolf on a riverbank" puzzle [[game]] [[comedy]]
<p><div class = "fff">[[Best]]</div> <div class = "fff">[[Chronological]]</div></p>
Murph's 31 Twine Games of Halloween
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<div class ="Titlll">Comedy</div>\n\nWakka wakka.\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary4.html" target="_blank">Spooky House</a>\nAn interactive fiction exploring a spooky house. [[game]] [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary8.html" target="_blank">Spooky Tarot</a>\nHave your fortune told by the tarot cards. Mildly NSFW for tarot card nudity (kinda) [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary10.html" target="_blank">A Drunk Story</a>\nTitle says it all [[bad]] [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary14.html" target="_blank">Spooky Casino</a>\nDeal hands of blackjack for a table of monsters. Features a fully functional deck of cards I programmed and then didn't really use all that much.\n[[game]] [[comedy]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary15.html" target="_blank">Halloween Quiz</a>\nFind out what kind of monster you are. [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary16.html" target="_blank">A Ghost Story</a>\nMy attempt at a creepypasta. [[comedy]] [[experimental]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary17.html" target="_blank">The Legend of Bloody Larry</a>\nCan you say Bloody Larry's name three times? [[comedy]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary25.html" target="_blank">Ghost Hunterz XTreme</a>\nJoin some bros, hunting some ghosts. Mild NSFW for language. [[story]] [[comedy]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary26.html" target="_blank">Mind Reading Warlock</a>\nCome have your mind read by the warlock. [[story]] [[comedy]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary29.html" target="_blank">Spooky Goofy</a>\nA spooky comedian. [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary30.html" target="_blank">A Classic Puzzel</a>\nNo one has ever defeated the classic "scarecrow, goatman, werewolf on a riverbank" puzzle [[game]] [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary31.html" target="_blank">The Playdough Ghost</a>\nThe scariest possible story. A younge boy constructs a playdough ghost.[[comedy]]
<div class ="Titlll">Experimental</div>\n\nThese do some wierd stuff and try and push what is a story or a game.\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary16.html" target="_blank">A Ghost Story</a>\nMy attempt at a creepypasta. [[comedy]] [[experimental]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary7.html" target="_blank">You Will Be Caught</a>\nRun. [[game]] [[experimental]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary27.html" target="_blank">Zombie Are Coming Through The Door</a>\nZombies are coming through the door, in real time. How long can you keep them out? Zombification is permanent and inevitable. [[experimental]]
<<display menu>>\nCurrently grouped by quality, at least in my estimation.\n\n<div class ="Titlll">My Top Five</div>\nIt's hard to pick favorites, but these are my five.\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary4.html" target="_blank">Spooky House</a>\nAn interactive fiction exploring a spooky house. [[game]] [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary6.html" target="_blank">Cabin in the Forest Sim</a>\nA simulation of a horror movie where kids go into the forest and a monster shows up. [[game]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary11.html" target="_blank">An October Trip</a>\nA ghost story that actually happened to me [[story]] [[spooky]]\n\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary12.html" target="_blank">The Murdock Family Incident</a>\nFound artifacts in an investigation of an incident [[story]] [[spooky]]\n\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary28.html" target="_blank">Graveyard</a>\nCan you find the treasure of the graveyard? Sove the puzzle to find out. No images, all CSS. [[game]]\n\n<div class ="Titlll">Really Good</div>\nThese are still really good and worth a look.\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary21.html" target="_blank">A Bump In the Night</a>\nYou are awoken by a noise late at night [[story]] [[game]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary14.html" target="_blank">Spooky Casino</a>\nDeal hands of blackjack for a table of monsters. Features a fully functional deck of cards I programmed and then didn't really use all that much.\n[[game]] [[comedy]] [[story]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary7.html" target="_blank">You Will Be Caught</a>\nRun. [[game]] [[experimental]] [[spooky]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary9.html" target="_blank">Poor Ol' Kell</a>\nA poem about an unfortunate man [[poem]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary19.html" target="_blank">Mad Scientist</a>\nA take on at a Little Alchemy/Pixel God, combine the elements type game [[game]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary22.html" target="_blank">A Diary</a>\nA branching story of a found diary during some kind of outbreak [[story]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary23.html" target="_blank">Zombie Conquere Click</a>\nA Cookie Clicker-like for zombies taking over the world. End game is 10k zombies and 10 Super Zombies. [[game]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary24.html" target="_blank">Three Spooky Bowls</a>\nStick your hand in the "spooky" bowls for the party [[story]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary25.html" target="_blank">Ghost Hunterz XTreme</a>\nJoin some bros, hunting some ghosts. Mild NSFW for language. [[story]] [[comedy]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary26.html" target="_blank">Mind Reading Warlock</a>\nCome have your mind read by the warlock. [[story]] [[comedy]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary27.html" target="_blank">Zombie Are Coming Through The Door</a>\nZombies are coming through the door, in real time. How long can you keep them out? Zombification is permanent and inevitable. [[experimental]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary2.html" target="_blank">It's Dark In Here</a>\nA small spooky poem. [[poem]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary8.html" target="_blank">Spooky Tarot</a>\nHave your fortune told by the tarot cards. Mildly NSFW for tarot card nudity (kinda) \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary15.html" target="_blank">Halloween Quiz</a>\nFind out what kind of monster you are. [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary16.html" target="_blank">A Ghost Story</a>\nMy attempt at a creepypasta. [[comedy]] [[experimental]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary17.html" target="_blank">The Legend of Bloody Larry</a>\nCan you say Bloody Larry's name three times? [[comedy]] \n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary30.html" target="_blank">A Classic Puzzel</a>\nNo one has ever defeated the classic "scarecrow, goatman, werewolf on a riverbank" puzzle [[game]] [[comedy]]\n\n<a href="http://lockemurph.neocities.org/scary31.html" target="_blank">The Playdough Ghost</a>\nThe scariest possible story. A younge boy constructs a playdough ghost.[[comedy]]